Google Chrome for Android Get update with 5 new features

By Mayur Dudharejiya 1.1k Views
1 Min Read

Currently, Google working On Chrome 58 update. After rolling out the update for Windows and mac now time for Android. This new version of google chrome come with useful features and some performance fixes. The new Chrome 58 (58.0.3029.83) for Android will be available on Google Play any time within this week.

Here we describe some features and improvements of Google chrome 58.

Browser history

The Chrome 58 has a redesigned History page where you can view and clear your browsing data easily. History page now has its own dedicated view an UI instead of the normal page with a visible URL bar.


The download features come with lots of improvement. You can now view and manage in-progress downloads under the Downloads section. This sort of brings in a desktop-like experience to the mobile in which you can keep a tab on all that is being downloaded and also pause or cancel it seamlessly.

Now you can view and manage in-progress downloads under the Downloads section. You can also pause and resume download file in separate download tab like the desktop version.

New tabs

You can now long-press any link to open it in a new Chrome tab like safari browser on iOS. This feature can save


The old Autofill settings tab now renamed to ‘Autofill and payments’. This feature can save addresses and credit card detail, then split into their own dedicated pages.

Full-screen web apps

In this new google chrome 58 updates, If you open a web app through the Chrome, it will open up in full screen. The main aims of this feature to reduce the difference between the web and native apps by tweaking the interface a bit. It also hides Android status and navigation bar for good browsing experience.


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Mayur Dudharejiya is known as the 'Geekman' on Youtube. He is the Admin and Executive Editor of Geekman. When he's not writing or making videos, then maybe he is working on a new Idea.
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