Apple just launched an entry-level 9th Gen iPad at its event along with iPhone 13, Watch 7, and iPad Mini. The new iPad 2021 comes with a design similar to its predecessor, with thick bezels around the screen and the Home Button. It features a 10.2-inch Retina True Tone display with an upgraded ambient light sensor, which means it automatically adjusts screen content to the color temperature of a room.
The biggest highlight of the 9th gen Ipad is that it comes with a new A13 Bionic chip with 20% faster performance in CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine. It is said to make the iPad three times faster than the best-selling Chromebook and six times faster than the best-selling Android tablet. The new A13 chip also improves the camera autofocus and lowlight performance for better selfies.
It also has has a whole new upgraded 12MP selfie sensor, that include Ultrawide framing and Apple’s center stage tech, which will ship as part of iPadOS 15. The iPad 2021 still has support for Apple Pencil first gen, smart keyboard.
Aprt form this, it sheep with new iPadOS 15 with support for Centre Stage that detects person and moves the frame to follow them. This feature works in FaceTime, Zoom, Skype and other video chating apps. Yes, there is a Touch ID in the home button.
iPad 2021 (9th Gen) Price & Availability
The new Apple iPad 2021 avalible in Silver and Space Grey colour variant with 64GB and 256GB storage options. Coming to the price, the 64GB Wi-Fi model starts at 30900 Rs, while 64GB Wi-Fi + Cellular models for 42900 Rs.
The new iPad is available for pre-order on and in the Apple Store app in 28 countries, including the India and US, with availability beginning Friday, September 24.