After the INBook X1 Slim launch last month, Infinix launched its second laptop INBook X1 Neo in the Indian market. The Infinix INBook X1 Neo has a price tag of Rs. 24,990 and has been targeted at students. It comes with a stylish compact design, 45W fast charging, Windows 11, and more.. Here is the full detail about this new notebook.
The new INBook X1 Neo comes with a 14-inch FHD screen with 300 nits peak brightness. It is powered by the quad-core Intel Celeron N500 chipset, along with Intel Integrated UHD graphics. There is 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM for processing support and 256GB of PCIe 3.0 SSD storage.
Apart from this, The laptop has an HD Webcam, two-layer stereo speakers with DTS sound technology, a backlit keyboard, and a 50Wh battery with 45W fast charging (USB Type-C). The company claims up to 11 hours of battery life on a single charge. The connectivity department has two USB 3.0 ports, two USB Type C ports, one HDMI 1.4, an SD card slot, and an audio jack.
Additionally, the Infinix INBook X1 Neo runs on Windows 11 and comes with a lightweight design (1.24 kgs). It has an aluminum metal alloy body and comes in Blue and Silver colors.
Infinix INBook X1 Neo Price and Availability
The Infinix INBook X1 Neo is available in Starfall Grey and Cosmic Blue colors and is priced at Rs. 24,990. It will be available from Flipkart starting from July 21st.